Apple today announced the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max, the latest iterations of its flagship smartphone lineup. The new iPhones feature an updated design with aerospace-grade titanium frames, improved cameras, the new A17 Pro chip, and satellite connectivity for emergency assistance.
The iPhone 15 Pro models are constructed with titanium alloy for increased durability while maintaining a lightweight profile. The frame also utilizes 100% recycled aluminum. The display retains the Dynamic Island notch introduced with the iPhone 14 Pro, but now with always-on capability.
For photography, both iPhone 15 Pro models gain a new 48MP main camera alongside upgraded telephoto and ultra-wide lenses. Computational photography allows the main camera to switch between 24MP and 48MP modes as well as offer optical zoom ranges up to 3x on the Pro and 5x on the Pro Max. Low-light performance is enhanced through a redesigned image signal processor.
Powering the new iPhones is the A17 Pro, Apple’s latest proprietary silicon. The chip enables ray-tracing graphics and improved machine learning capabilities. Apple claims the A17 Pro offers up to 20% faster performance than the A16 Bionic chip in the iPhone 14 Pro series.
The iPhone 15 Pro lineup also introduces emergency assistance features utilizing Apple’s satellite network. A new Roadside Assistance mode lets users request help from AAA in the event of a disabled vehicle when cellular service is unavailable.
The iPhone 15 Pro starts at $999, while the iPhone 15 Pro Max starts at $1,099. Both models come in four new titanium finishes. Pre-orders begin September 15 ahead of retail availability on September 22.